


Timekeeper is an application to help you visualize time across different time zones. Inspired by one of my favorite apps, I decided to develop a web version.

React, Axios, Tailwind CSS, abstract Time API, Date & Timezone API


Simple Cards

Simple Cards is a simple web application using a JSON server to create fake REST API for creating and studying a deck of flashcards. A user can create, edit and delete a deck of flashcards or individual cards. After learning so much, I made version 2 of this project with authentication for multiple users using Firebase so I could use the app for studying.

React, Axios, Bulma, JSON Server, Firebase


Trivia App

The Trivia App is an application using the React library. The project uses an API to generate questions, and the app tallies up the correct answers once the user has answered all the questions and marked them complete.

React, opentdb, API

First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.
John Johnson